I had the honor and pleasure of living with a beautiful soul who is now the Godmother of my child! Denise played a role in the arrival of the little man on this great earth and also helped nurse me back to health after the birth!
Denise is not only my favorite yoga teacher, but also a complete badass--while renovating her house she also opened up a healing space on the west side Divinitree Studio in Santa Cruz, CA. The center needed some art to incorporate her ideas altogether and organize the space. She had me paint the door, make some signs, and create three pieces for each healing room. One of Dhanvantari, one of Ganesha, and one of Sriyanti. They are watercolors done in fun, happy colors. It was fascinating and fun to research these Hindu gods that I have always heard about and know something of, but to really investigate their images and the history of those images and the symbolism was a fun journey. |